Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I was curious...

So, I got a blogspot.

I mean, Aaron did it....and admittedly, it sparked my interest. I had always cast it aside with all the rest of the "other" [non-xanga, non-facebook, non-myspace] types of sites and blogs...figuring it'd be too much effort to use yet another site of some sort. But, we'll see. Perhaps xanga IS dead...and maybe blogspot will fill that void in my life.



Aaron Tifft said...

Very nice Tori, welcome to the "blogosphere." I like the name too, "museful wonderment," it has a good blog sound to it. It also sounds like one of my favorite bands.

*turns on Muse*

Kiana Marie said...

Welcome to BlogSpot, Tori! :)

secondhand perspective said...

Haha, the 80s....never can quite escape them. Hmmm, yes, I am afraid in a matter of days I will incommunicado for a while. Though, I still don't know what to think of your constant references to my corruption. Have some faith....

Aaron Tifft said...

You should post more.
Esp, with some of your S. Pacific stuff.
That is all.